54 resultats trouvés
Filtres: Auteur is Lagacherie, P. [Clear All Filters]
Impact of drainage network geometry on runoff in cultivated landscape: a quantitative study using stochastic simulations mixing {DEM} to vector data. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011.
2011. Mapping daily evapotranspiration over a Mediterranean vineyard watershed. IEEE Geoscience and remote sensing letters. 8:168-172.
2011. A spatial stochastic algorithm to reconstruct artificial drainage networks from incomplete remote sensing delineations. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. 13:853-862.
2011. Uncertainties of water flow-pathes in cultivated landscape : consequences on overland flows and channel run-off. Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU General Assembly 2011. 13