Book Chapter
Evapotranspiration of Wheat in a Hilly Topography: Results from Measurements Using a Set of Eddy Covariance Stations. Water and Land Security in Drylands. :67-76. . 2017.
Evapotranspiration of Wheat in a Hilly Topography: Results from Measurements Using a Set of Eddy Covariance Stations. Water and Land Security in Drylands. :67-76. . 2017.
Performance of Saxton and Rawls Pedotransfer Functions for Estimating Soil Water Properties in the Cap Bon Region-Northern Tunisia. Water and Land Security in Drylands. :77-85. . 2017.
Performance of Saxton and Rawls Pedotransfer Functions for Estimating Soil Water Properties in the Cap Bon Region-Northern Tunisia. Water and Land Security in Drylands. :77-85. . 2017.
Book Chapter
Impact of Small Hill Farm Ponds on Water Flow and Nitrogen Transfer in Mediterranean Agricultural Catchment (Kamech, Cap Bon, Tunisia). Evaluation of Water Conservation Zones in Agricultural Catchments for Biomass Production, Water Quality and Food Security IEA TECDOC SERIES 1784. 1784:6-23. . 2016.
Chapitre 1. Cartographie de propriétés primaires de sol par télédétection optique visible-proche infra-rouge (Vis-PIR). Observation des surfaces continentales par télédétection I. 1:19-50. . 2016.
Chapitre 1. Cartographie de propriétés primaires de sol par télédétection optique visible-proche infra-rouge (Vis-PIR). Observation des surfaces continentales par télédétection I. 1:19-50. . 2016.
Chapter 1 - Mapping of Primary Soil Properties Using Optical Visible and Near Infrared (Vis-NIR) Remote Sensing. Land Surface Remote Sensing in Agriculture and Forest. :1-35. . 2016.
Chapter 1 - Mapping of Primary Soil Properties Using Optical Visible and Near Infrared (Vis-NIR) Remote Sensing. Land Surface Remote Sensing in Agriculture and Forest. :1-35. . 2016.
Long term agro-system observatories in the Mediterranean. The mediterranean region under climate change - a scientific update. :465-475. . 2016.
Long term agro-system observatories in the Mediterranean. The mediterranean region under climate change - a scientific update. :465-475. . 2016.
Book Chapter
L'INRA cartographie l'evapotranspiration de la vigne. La Vigne. 241:44. . 2012.
Quantification de la consommation en eau des cultures en zones de relief. Faits marquants du Département EA - INRA. :3. . 2012.
OMERE : Observatoire Méditerranéen de l'environnement rural et de l'eau. Les dossiers d'Agropolis International, n°14, Ressources en eau : préservation et gestion. :11. . 2012.
Book Chapter
Quantifier l'évapotranspiration des cultures. Dossier "Méditerranée : le défi de l'eau agricole". Sciences au Sud. 59 . 2011.
Cartographie de l'evapotranspiration de la vigne à l'échelle régionale. Faits marquants du Département EA - INRA. :3. . 2011.