Journal Article
Spatial variability of the relationships of runoff, and sediment yield with weather types throughout the Mediterranean basin. Journal of Hydrology. 571:390-405. . 2019.
Use of AquaCrop model for estimating crop evapotranspiration and biomass production in hilly topography. Arabian Journal of Geosciences. 12:259. . 2019.
Landscaping compromises for land degradation neutrality: the case of soil erosion in Mediterranean agricultural landscape.. Journal of Environmental Management. 235:282-292. . 2019.
Journal Article
OZCAR: the French network of critical zone observatories. Vadose Zone Journal. 17 . 2018.
The Use of Photogrammetry to Construct Time Series of Vegetation Permeability to Water and Seed Transport in Agricultural Waterways. Remote Sensing. 10:2050. . 2018.
RECOTOX, a French initiative in ecotoxicology-toxicology to monitor, understand and mitigate the ecotoxicological impacts of pollutants in socioagroecosystems. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 25:33882–33894. . 2018.
Main Issues for Preserving Mediterranean Soil Resources From Water Erosion Under Global Change. Land Degradation & Development. :n/a–n/a. . 2018.
Parcel-based active learning for large extent cultivated area mapping. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 11 . 2018.
AgrHyS: An Observatory of Response Times in Agro-Hydro Systems. Vadose Zone Journal. 17 . 2018.
Using high-resolution multitemporal imagery to highlight severe land management changes in Mediterranean vineyards. Applied Geography. 90:115-122. . 2018.
Managing Mediterranean soil resources under global change: expected trends and mitigation strategies. Regional Environmental Change. 18 . 2018.
Using kites for 3-D mapping of gullies at decimetre-resolution over several square kilometres: a case study on the Kamech catchment, Tunisia. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences. 18:1567-1582. . 2018.
Evaluating four gap-filling methods for eddy covariance measurements of evapotranspiration over hilly crop fields. Geoscientific Instrumentation Methods and Data Systems. 7:151-167. . 2018.
Temporal variability and time compression of sediment yield in small Mediterranean catchments: impacts for land and water management. Soil Use and Management. 34:388-403. . 2018.
Sensitivity of clay content prediction to spectral configuration of VNIR/SWIR imaging data, from multispectral to hyperspectral scenarios. Remote Sensing of Environment. 204:18-30. . 2018.
Main Issues for Preserving Mediterranean Soil Resources From Water Erosion Under Global Change. Land Degradation & Development. :n/a–n/a. . 2018.
Impact of land use on soil water content in a hilly rainfed agrosystem: a case study in the Cap Bon peninsula in Tunisia. AGROFOR-International Journal. 3:64-74. . 2018.
Using high-resolution multitemporal imagery to highlight severe land management changes in Mediterranean vineyards. Applied Geography. 90:115-122. . 2018.
Anthropogenic Reservoirs of Various Sizes Trap Most of the Sediment in the Mediterranean Maghreb Basin. Water. 10, 127:n/a–n/a. . 2018.
Journal Article
Impact of land use on soil water content in a hilly rainfed agrosystem: a case study in the Cap Bon Peninsula, Tunisia. AGROFOR International Journal. 3:64-75. . 2017.
Méthode opérationnelle de production d'orthophotos et de MNT décimétriques à l'échelle du kilomètre carré par cerf-volant. Drones et moyens légers aéroportés d'observation. 213-214:43-53. . 2017.
Parcel-Based Active Learning for Large Extent Cultivated Area Mapping. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. PP:1-10. . 2017.
A neutral model for the simulation of linear networks in territories. Ecological Modelling. 363:8-16. . 2017.
Impact of maintenance operations on the seasonal evolution of ditch properties and functions. Agricultural Water Management. 193:191-204. . 2017.
Clay content mapping from airborne hyperspectral Vis-NIR data by transferring a laboratory regression model. Geoderma. 298:54-66. . 2017.
Spatial variability of soil aggregate stability at the scale of an agricultural region in Tunisia. CATENA. 153:157-167. . 2017.
Comparing Landsat-7 ETM+ and ASTER Imageries to Estimate Daily Evapotranspiration Within a Mediterranean Vineyard Watershed. IEEE Geoscience And Remote Sensing Letters. 14:459-463. . 2017.
A neutral model for the simulation of linear networks in territories. Ecological Modelling. 363:8-16. . 2017.
Spatial variability of soil aggregate stability at the scale of an agricultural region in Tunisia. CATENA. 153:157-167. . 2017.
Predictive ability of soil properties to spectral degradation from laboratory Vis-NIR spectroscopy data. Geoderma. 288:143–153. . 2017.
Méthode opérationnelle de production d'orthophotos et de MNT décimétriques à l'échelle du kilomètre carré par cerf-volant. Drones et moyens légers aéroportés d'observation. 213-214:43-53. . 2017.
Comparing Landsat-7 ETM+ and ASTER Imageries to Estimate Daily Evapotranspiration Within a Mediterranean Vineyard Watershed. IEEE Geoscience And Remote Sensing Letters. 14:459-463. . 2017.
A spatio-temporal multiscale analysis of runoff and erosion in a Mediterranean marly catchment. Vadose Zone Journal. . 2017.
Predictive ability of soil properties to spectral degradation from laboratory Vis-NIR spectroscopy data. Geoderma. 288:143–153. . 2017.
Impact of maintenance operations on the seasonal evolution of ditch properties and functions. Agricultural Water Management. 193:191-204. . 2017.
Estimation of actual evapotranspiration over a rainfed vineyard using a 1-D water transfer model: A case study within a Mediterranean watershed. Agricultural Water Management. 184:67-76. . 2017.
Estimation of actual evapotranspiration over a rainfed vineyard using a 1-D water transfer model: A case study within a Mediterranean watershed. Agricultural Water Management. 184:67-76. . 2017.
Clay content mapping from airborne hyperspectral Vis-NIR data by transferring a laboratory regression model. Geoderma. 298:54-66. . 2017.
A spatio-temporal multiscale analysis of runoff and erosion in a Mediterranean marly catchment. Vadose Zone Journal. . 2017.
Journal Article
Relative Contribution of Rill/Interrill and Gully/Channel Erosion to Small Reservoir Siltation in Mediterranean Environments. Land Degradation and Development. . 2016.