Journal Article
Semi-blind source separation for the estimation of the clay content over semi-vegetated areas using VNIR/SWIR hyperspectral airborne data. Remote Sensing of Environment. 181:251-263. . 2016.
Variability of glyphosate and diuron sorption capacities of ditch beds determined using new indicator-based methods. Science of The Total Environment. 573:716-726. . 2016.
Comparison of Pleiades and LiDAR Digital Elevation Models for terraces detection in farmlands. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 9:1567-1576. . 2016.
Using legacy data for correction of soil surface clay content predicted from VNIR/SWIR hyperspectral airborne images. Geoderma. 276:84-92. . 2016.
Soil cracking effects on hydrological and erosive processes: a study case in Mediterranean cultivated vertisols. Hydrological Processes. 30:4154–4167. . 2016.
Are ditch networks optimized for mitigating rill erosion in cultivated Mediterranean landscapes ? A digital experiment Land Use Policy. 50:441-448. . 2016.
Using legacy data for correction of soil surface clay content predicted from VNIR/SWIR hyperspectral airborne images. Geoderma. 276:84-92. . 2016.
Semi-blind source separation for the estimation of the clay content over semi-vegetated areas using VNIR/SWIR hyperspectral airborne data. Remote Sensing of Environment. 181:251-263. . 2016.
Soil cracking effects on hydrological and erosive processes: a study case in Mediterranean cultivated vertisols. Hydrological Processes. 30:4154–4167. . 2016.
Variability of glyphosate and diuron sorption capacities of ditch beds determined using new indicator-based methods. Science of The Total Environment. 573:716-726. . 2016.
Are ditch networks optimized for mitigating rill erosion in cultivated Mediterranean landscapes ? A digital experiment Land Use Policy. 50:441-448. . 2016.
Journal Article
Prediction of the Fate of Organic Compounds in the Environment From Their Molecular Properties: A Review. CRITICAL REVIEWS IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 45:1277-1377. . 2015.
Multi-scale Calibration and Validation of MHYDAS-Erosion for A Small Mediterranean Vineyard Catchment: A Case Study. Revue des sciences de l'eau / Journal of Water Science. 27:21-36. . 2015.
Accounting for vegetation height and wind direction to correct eddy covariance measurements of energy fluxes over hilly crop fields: MEASURING ENERGY FLUX OVER HILLY CROPS. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres. :1-18. . 2015.
Seepage patterns of Diuron in a ditch bed during a sequence of flood events. Science of The Total Environment. 537:120-128. . 2015.
Spatial modeling of man-made drainage density of agricultural landscapes. Journal of Land Use Science. 10:256-276. . 2015.
A water balance approach for quantifying subsurface exchange fluxes and associated errors in hill reservoirs in semiarid regions. Hydrological Processes. 29:1861–1872. . 2015.
Evaluating the Impact of the Spatial Distribution of Land Management Practices on Water Erosion: Case Study of a Mediterranean Catchment. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering. :Online. . 2015.
Relative Contribution of Rill/Interrill and Gully/Channel Erosion to Small Reservoir Siltation in Mediterranean Environments. Land Degradation and Development. . 2015.
Délimitation des parcelles agricoles par classification d'images Pléiades. Revue Française de Photogrammétrie et de Télédétection. 209 . 2015.
Prediction of the Fate of Organic Compounds in the Environment From Their Molecular Properties: A Review. CRITICAL REVIEWS IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 45:1277-1377. . 2015.
Glyphosate sorption to soils and sediments predicted by pedotransfer functions. Environmental Chemistry Letters. 13:293–307. . 2015.
A method for modeling the effects of climate and land use changes on erosion and sustainability of soil in a Mediterranean watershed (Languedoc, France). Journal of Environmental Management. 150:57-68. . 2015.
Spatial modeling of man-made drainage density of agricultural landscapes. Journal of Land Use Science. 10:256-276. . 2015.
Seepage patterns of Diuron in a ditch bed during a sequence of flood events. Science of The Total Environment. 537:120-128. . 2015.
Accounting for vegetation height and wind direction to correct eddy covariance measurements of energy fluxes over hilly crop fields: MEASURING ENERGY FLUX OVER HILLY CROPS. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres. :1-18. . 2015.
A method for modeling the effects of climate and land use changes on erosion and sustainability of soil in a Mediterranean watershed (Languedoc, France). Journal of Environmental Management. 150:57-68. . 2015.
Délimitation des parcelles agricoles par classification d'images Pléiades. Revue Française de Photogrammétrie et de Télédétection. 209 . 2015.
Glyphosate sorption to soils and sediments predicted by pedotransfer functions. Environmental Chemistry Letters. 13:293–307. . 2015.
A water balance approach for quantifying subsurface exchange fluxes and associated errors in hill reservoirs in semiarid regions. Hydrological Processes. 29:1861–1872. . 2015.
Journal Article
A model for distributed GIUH-based flow routing on natural and anthropogenic hillslopes. Hydrological Processes. 28:4877-4895. . 2014.
Water balance for different land use and crop sequences under semiarid environment. Revue des Régions Arides. 35:769-775. . 2014.
A three-source SVAT modeling of evaporation: Application to the seasonal dynamics of a grassed vineyard. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 191:64-80. . 2014.
Quantification de l'évapotranspiration réelle à l'échelle d'un bassin versant agropastoral du semi-aride. Revue des Régions Arides. 35:785-793. . 2014.
Multi-scale Calibration and Validation of MHYDAS-Erosion for A Small Mediterranean Vineyard Catchment: A Case Study. Revue des sciences de l'eau / Journal of Water Science. 27:21-36. . 2014.
Time-varying impacts of different management regimes on vegetation cover in agricultural ditches. Agricultural Water Management. 140:14-19. . 2014.
A three-source SVAT modeling of evaporation: Application to the seasonal dynamics of a grassed vineyard. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 191:64-80. . 2014.
Evaluating the Impact of the Spatial Distribution of Land Management Practices on Water Erosion: Case Study of a Mediterranean Catchment. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering. :Online. . 2014.
Time-varying impacts of different management regimes on vegetation cover in agricultural ditches. Agricultural Water Management. 140:14-19. . 2014.
A water balance approach for quantifying subsurface exchange fluxes and associated errors in hill reservoirs in semiarid regions. Hydrological Processes. . 2014.
Water balance for different land use and crop sequences under semiarid environment. Revue des Régions Arides. 35:769-775. . 2014.
A model for distributed GIUH-based flow routing on natural and anthropogenic hillslopes. Hydrological Processes. 28:4877-4895. . 2014.
Quantification de l'évapotranspiration réelle à l'échelle d'un bassin versant agropastoral du semi-aride. Revue des Régions Arides. 35:785-793. . 2014.
Journal Article
Mapping linear erosion features using high and very high resolution satellite imagery. Land Degradation and Development. 24:22-32. . 2013.
Parameterization and multi-criteria calibration of a distributed storm flow model applied to a Mediterranean agricultural catchment. Hydrological Processes. 27:1379-1398. . 2013.
Fingerprinting sediment sources in the outlet reservoir of a hilly cultivated catchment in Tunisia. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 13:801-815. . 2013.