6 resultats trouvés
Filtres: Auteur is Blanca, Y. [Clear All Filters]
Contrasting soil property patterns between ditch bed and neighbouring field profiles evidence the need of specific approaches when assessing water and pesticide fate in farmed landscapes. GEODERMA. 309:50-59.
2018. .
2018. .
2018. Spatial patterns of farm land use in fragmented semi-arid landscapes: The case of Lebna catchment (Cap Bon, Tunisia). AgroMed International Conference 2016.
2016. Characterizing land and water use across different spatial scales within rural areas over the Cap Bon region (Tunisia). Conférence internationale MISTRALS 2015.
2015. Characterizing land and water use across different spatial scales within rural areas over the Cap Bon region (Tunisia). Conférence internationale MISTRALS 2015.