Journal Article
A water balance approach for quantifying subsurface exchange fluxes and associated errors in hill reservoirs in semiarid regions. Hydrological Processes. . 2014.
Multi-scale Calibration and Validation of MHYDAS-Erosion for A Small Mediterranean Vineyard Catchment: A Case Study. Revue des sciences de l'eau / Journal of Water Science. 27:21-36. . 2014.
A three-source SVAT modeling of evaporation: Application to the seasonal dynamics of a grassed vineyard. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 191:64-80. . 2014.
A model for distributed GIUH-based flow routing on natural and anthropogenic hillslopes. Hydrological Processes. 28:4877-4895. . 2014.
Evaluating the Impact of the Spatial Distribution of Land Management Practices on Water Erosion: Case Study of a Mediterranean Catchment. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering. :Online. . 2014.
A three-source SVAT modeling of evaporation: Application to the seasonal dynamics of a grassed vineyard. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 191:64-80. . 2014.
Water balance for different land use and crop sequences under semiarid environment. Revue des Régions Arides. 35:769-775. . 2014.
Water balance for different land use and crop sequences under semiarid environment. Revue des Régions Arides. 35:769-775. . 2014.
Quantification de l'évapotranspiration réelle à l'échelle d'un bassin versant agropastoral du semi-aride. Revue des Régions Arides. 35:785-793. . 2014.
Quantification de l'évapotranspiration réelle à l'échelle d'un bassin versant agropastoral du semi-aride. Revue des Régions Arides. 35:785-793. . 2014.
Livret guide du site de Roujan. :27p.. . 2014.
Livret guide du site de Roujan. :27p.. . 2014.
PHD Thesis & HDR
Conference Paper
Spatial and vertical distribution of soil organic carbon at the catchment scale in Mediterranean ecosystem. Geophysical Research Abstracts. 15 . 2013.
Gestion de l'eau verte face à la raretè de l'eau, aux changements climatiques et aux contraintes environnementales pour la durabilitè des agrosystèmes mèditerranèens collinaires.. 17ème Journées Scientifiques de l'INRGREF "La gestion durable des ressources en eau et en sols : Situation, Défis et Perspectives", 19-20 Novembre 2013. . 2013.
Le projet ALMIRA: Adaptation des mosa{\"ıques paysagères dans les agrosystèmes pluviaux Méditerranéens pour une gestion durable de la production agricole, des ressources en eau et en sol.. 17ème Journées Scientifiques de l'INRGREF "La gestion durable des ressources en eau et en sols : Situation, Défis et Perspectives", 19-20 Novembre 2013. . 2013.
A Water Balance Model for Hill reservoir - Aquifer Exchange Water Flux Quantification and Uncertainty Analysis - Application to the Kamech catchment, Tunisia. EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts. 15:6921. . 2013.
Water balance for different land use and crop sequences under semiarid environment.. IV Meeting International sur la Gestion des Ressources et Applications Biotechnologiques en Aridoculture et Cultures Sahariennes : perspectives pour un dèveloppement durable des zones arides.. . 2013.
Le projet ALMIRA: Adaptation des mosa{\"ıques paysagères dans les agrosystèmes pluviaux Méditerranéens pour une gestion durable de la production agricole, des ressources en eau et en sol.. 17ème Journées Scientifiques de l'INRGREF "La gestion durable des ressources en eau et en sols : Situation, Défis et Perspectives", 19-20 Novembre 2013. . 2013.
Estimation of sensible and latent heat fluxes over a hilly agricultural catchment by scintillometry. Tübingen Atmospheric Physics Symposium "Scintillometers and Applications". :47-48. . 2013.
Comparative analysis of major erosive events in a set of small Mediterranean research catchments. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 07-12 April 2013. . 2013.
Genèse des débits dans un petit bassin versant méditerranéen agricole marneux (Kamech, Tunisie). nternational Seminar on Sustainable Management of Water and Soil Resources: Context, Challenges and Prospects, INRGREF, Hammamet, 19-20 Novembre 2013.. . 2013.
Assessment of water and energy balance variations during the drying phase of a wheat crop under semiarid Mediterranean conditions. Geophysical Research Abstracts. 15 . 2013.
Perched groundwater-surface interactions and their consequences in stream flow generation in a semi-arid headwater catchment. EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts. 15:11388. . 2013.
Energy fluxes and soil temperature variations during the drying phase of a wheat crop in a semi-arid Mediterranean environment. Geophysical Research Abstracts. 15 . 2013.
Hydrological features of the Roujan catchement in south-France : a case-study of an intensively monitored catchement exhibiting intense and variable surface-subsurface water exchanges. 2 nd Workshop of the Integrated Hydrological Model Intercomparion Project, University of Bonn, June 27 th and 28 th 2013. . 2013.
Relationship between soil moisture and surface temperature under semiarid Mediterranean conditions. Geophysical Research Abstracts. 15 . 2013.
OMERE Observatoire Méditerranéen de l?Environnement Rural et de l?Eau Bassin versant de Kamech : Impact des actions anthropiques sur les transferts de masse dans les hydrosystèmes méditerranéens ruraux. International Seminar on Sustainable Management of Water and Soil Resources: Context, Challenges and Prospects, INRGREF. . 2013.
Journal Article
Factors and processes of permanent gully evolution in a Mediterranean marly context (Cape Bon, Tunisia). Hydrological Sciences Journal. 58(7):1519-1531. . 2013.
Parameterization and multi-criteria calibration of a distributed storm flow model applied to a Mediterranean agricultural catchment. Hydrological Processes. 27:1379-1398. . 2013.
Fingerprinting sediment sources in the outlet reservoir of a hilly cultivated catchment in Tunisia. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 13:801-815. . 2013.
Mapping linear erosion features using high and very high resolution satellite imagery. Land Degradation and Development. 24:22-32. . 2013.
Book Chapter
Quantification de la consommation en eau des cultures en zones de relief. Faits marquants du Département EA - INRA. :3. . 2012.
OMERE : Observatoire Méditerranéen de l'environnement rural et de l'eau. Les dossiers d'Agropolis International, n°14, Ressources en eau : préservation et gestion. :11. . 2012.
L'INRA cartographie l'evapotranspiration de la vigne. La Vigne. 241:44. . 2012.
Conference Paper
Establishing seasonal chronicles of actual evapotranspiration under sloping conditions. European Geoscience Union. 14 . 2012.
Evaluation et compréhension des impacts des pratiques agricoles sur les ressources en eau et en sols. colloque de restitution de la 3ème prospective nationale de recherche 2013/2017 Surface et Interfaces Continentales, INSU, Paris, France, 21-23 mai 2013.. . 2012.