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    The rainfall of the Roujan (Hérault) catchment area has been acquired since 1992 through various measuring points on which sensors are positioned on a long-term and continuous basis. The data from these sensors are directly recorded on servers in Montpellier through remote transmission. Verification treatments and possible corrections are applied before the data sets are integrated into the HYSAE database. Through the OMERE data portal accessible from this sheet, the data can be downloaded from an interactive map. In addition to these raw data rainfall records, a so-called "synthetic" time serie is elaborated to provide a complete and uninterrupted chronicle of rainfall data representative for the catchment area.

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    The monitoring of suspended sediment loads in runoff and stream flows aims to quantify the amount of sediments translocated during runoff events. These measurements contribute to the understanding and the quantification of the soil redistribution induced by water erosion processes. The measurements of suspended matter are made through manual and automated water sampling at the hydrological stations, which are then processed and analysed in the laboratory to derive suspended sediment concentrations. A turbidimeter has been recently installed to complete the time series of sediment discharge. Suspended sediment concentrations are integrated into the HYSAE database, they can subsequently be consulted and downloaded via the OMERE data portal.

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    Isotope analysis of groundwater, rainfall and surface water in the Roujan watershed area. Samples of rainfall accumulated over a day or an event as well as instantaneous samples of runoff and groundwater are sent to a specialized laboratory to determine their oxygen 18 and deuterium contents.

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    The monitoring of suspended sediment loads in runoff and stream flows aims to quantify the amount of sediments translocated during runoff events. These measurements contribute to the understanding and the quantification of the soil redistribution induced by water erosion processes. The measurements of suspended matter are made through manual and automated water sampling at the hydrological stations, which are then processed and analysed in the laboratory to derive suspended sediment concentrations. A turbidimeter has been recently installed to complete the time series of sediment discharge. Suspended sediment concentrations are integrated into the HYSAE database, they can subsequently be consulted and downloaded via the OMERE data portal.

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    Runoff and stream flow discharge monitoring in the Roujan catchment area (Hérault) is operational since 1992 at catchment and sub-catchments hydrological stations on which automatic sensors records water level time series on a long-term and continuous basis. The data from these sensors are collected and instantaneously transmitted to servers in Montpellier. Verification and correction processes on the raw data, as well as the generation of elaborated data (e.g. calculation of flows from water heights or modification of time steps) are applied before integration of the data sets into the HYSAE database. The water level and discharge time series can be downloaded from an interactive map through the OMERE data portal accessible from this page.

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    These data correspond to a non-systematic monitoring of dissolved, particulate or total organic carbon contents in water (rain, surface overflow, underground water) in the Roujan catchment area.

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    Runoff and stream flow discharge have been monitored since 1994 at the outlet of the Kamech catchment, and since 2005 at four sub-catchment hydrological stations. Automatic sensors continuously collected and transmitted water level time series to servers in Montpellier (France). Verification and correction processes on the raw data, as well as the generation of elaborated data (e.g. calculation of runoff, discharge from water levels, modification of time steps, etc) are applied before integration of the data sets into the HYSAE database. The time series can be downloaded from an interactive map through the OMERE data portal accessible from this page.

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    Pesticide contents are determined on the suspended matter extracted by filtration (0,7µm) in runoff water. Contents allow quantification of particula transport of pesticides and allow too compare it to solute transport.

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    The thematic map provided allows you to visualise the measurement points concerning this data acquisition device. This map is accessible via a standardised WMS flow, but also enables the data sets associated with the measurement point to be downloaded, depending on the case, via the ORE OMERE data portal.

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    water samples ( rain, runoff, underground water) are carried in icebox and frozen. ( FILTRATION ? ). Samples are analyzed by a dedicated laboratory, that quantify a set of parameters including from 1 to 430 pesticide active ingredients and their metabolites.