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    The evaluation of soil moisture in different areas of the Roujan catchment area is carried out by measuring the moisture content of fresh soil samples.

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    The water table depth from the soil surface is measured at different points in the Roujan catchment. In Roujan site, the groundwater is shallow with a free surface water table rising and falling in the soil and subsoil layers. The measurements are made at different points in the catchment with piezometers. A piezometer is a perforated PVC tube at its base installed in the soil through a borehole. In every piezometer, the water table depth is measured by manual piezometric probe or monitored at high frequency (~15') with autonomous and automatic probe integrating acquisition units. Through the OMERE data portal accessible from this website, the data can be downloaded from an interactive map.

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    Soil moisture assessment in different areas of the Kamech catchment area is carried out using soil tensiometry measurements carried out on different areas and at different depths of the Kamech site.

  • Contour map of the sub-catchment areas (Roujan)

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    Runoff and stream flow discharge have been monitored since 1994 at the outlet of the Kamech catchment, and since 2005 at four sub-catchment hydrological stations. Automatic sensors continuously collected and transmitted water level time series to servers in Montpellier (France). Verification and correction processes on the raw data, as well as the generation of elaborated data (e.g. calculation of runoff, discharge from water levels, modification of time steps, etc) are applied before integration of the data sets into the HYSAE database. The time series can be downloaded from an interactive map through the OMERE data portal accessible from this page.

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    The physico-chemical parameters measured in the Roujan basin and accessible via the data portal concern the measurement of elements such as pH, redox potential, temperature and conductivity, carried out during sampling in the basin.

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    Water sampling in rain, runoff and undergroundwater are performed on the fields and send to a specialized laboratory to quantify major elements contents (Ca, Mg, Na, K, SO4, PO4, HCO3, NO3) ( FILTRATION ???. PH ??? ? EC, ???)

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    The water table depth from the soil surface is measured at different points in the Kamech catchment. In Kamech site, the groundwater is shallow with a free surface water table rising and falling in the soil and subsoil layers. The measurements are made at different points in the catchment with piezometers. A piezometer is a perforated PVC tube at its base installed in the soil through a borehole. In every piezometer, the water table depth is measured by manual piezometric probe or monitored at high frequency (~15') with autonomous and automatic probe integrating acquisition units. Through the OMERE data portal accessible from this website, the data can be downloaded from an interactive map.